Get your products ready

Remember that in order to make your store live and visible you will need to follow the steps outlined in What are your steps to go live? (INSERT LINK)

It's time to review your product listings. This is the exciting part! 💥

There is some information that is required before you can enable or approve your products.

Most of the information will have been migrated across for your products but there are a few key things you will need to edit and of course check to make sure it is how you like it and displays well on the customer side of the website.


We have created a step-by-step video for you to watch while you do.

Remember you can pause and rewind as much as you need to. Before you know it, you will be a pro. 🤩


Tip: Select SAVE as you go to ensure any changes you make are saved incrementally.

Updates can be a little delayed so be patient 😇

Shipping must be selected for your product to be approved

A category must be selected for your product to be shown

Here is a product description example;


This is a product description. We suggest having one to two sentences first that help describe the product in an enticing way. invite the customer to know how great the product is

List of Features:

  • Material used
  • Product includes
  • Size of the product (specific dimensions eg cms)
  • Weight of the product
  • Colours
  • Key info - how to use?
  • Benefits of the product
  • Delivery time

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