
There are lots of new words on the new platform so we have collated these in one easy A-Z spot for you to look up. We will add to this list as we go ⭐️


This a term next to products that are Inactive. You can enable these products at any time. Please note your plan is based on the number of Active items.

Main Product Category

This is within products and is the category in which your product will be featured. It includes a Parent category a sub category and a sub category.

Pending Approval

This means Product Still Loading. It may take 5mins or up to 24hours to load if you have loaded lots of items. You may need to contact to enable the products.


This is within products and is an option for you to say yes or no to your product being personalised. Personalised means that the customer is able to select a custom option on their product eg engraving their name.

Product Meta Fields

This is within products and is an option for you to add a title and description that may show in google. This will not show in your product page.

Product Tags

This is within products and is an option for you to add word/s to help make your product searchable. As an example you might like to include Australiana if it is relevant. Please ensure you only use tags that are specifically relevant to your product. More is not more!

Range Detail

This is a price range that is set within your shipping configuration. As the Maker you are able to set these to your requirements.

Refine your product Listing

This is within products and is an option for you to select filter options for your product. These will appear based on the Main product Category (see above) that you have chosen. These will then be used to filter your products from there.


Return Merchandise Authorisation

This relates to Refunds, returns, cancellations & exchanges in the system.


A SKU is a unique code to your item that you may want to use to track your inventory. An example may be Product-Blue-S12.


You may receive an alert to update your STATE. Please go to PROFILE > MY ACCOUNT and add in your state and press save.


Every product has a variant and this is where the price, sku, inventory and country of origin is housed. Even if you don't have variations on each product you will always have at least one variant.


Variations are the multiple options available within one product. This may include size, color or length as an example. Variations are an option and not required on all products.

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