
Updated 24/5/24
- Payment is taken immediately from the customer through Madeit. When you (the maker) receive an email to say an order has been placed the customer has paid in full. Email notifications of a new order provides you with the 2 email notifications you will receive as a maker.
- Payments out to Artists for customer purchases will be done on Tuesdays and Fridays. This is done within Stripe. You will receive a payment for each order placed up to three (3) business days prior and the order must be fulfilled. The order must be sent to the customer. Please note: these days may change based on holiday periods, public holidays or other factors and updates may be provided in the weekly technology update. If your order is a custom order and cannot be fulfilled until a later date, please contact so we can arrange payment for you.
- All purchases will have 2% + 35c transaction fee. This covers Aus Credit Card, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Paypal and Afterpay. Refer to this doc for how much you earned for that customer order.
- Money will be paid to Makers via their Stripe Connect Configuration. Please note your payout from your Stripe account to your connected bank account will vary depending on how you have set this up. You can reconcile your order payments - refer to Order Payments
- It is important that your Stripe email and Madeit emails are the same. If you do make changes please ensure you disconnect and reconnect your Stripe account in your seller dashboard.
- Payment history is under Orders > Order Payments and you can reference the Order ID this list with your Order ID in orders to reconcile payments made to your Stripe account.