Holiday support hours

As we wrap up an incredible year, we wanted to take a moment to thank you for being such a valued part of the Madeit community. Your creativity, passion, and dedication to handmade craftsmanship continue to inspire us and make Madeit the vibrant ecosystem it is today​.

Before we sign off for the break here's a few key notes & dates;


💼 Holiday Support Hours:

We’ll be closed on public holidays but operating with a skeleton team until Monday, 6th January. We’ll still be checking emails, so if you need assistance, feel free to reach out.

💰 Payment Dates

Our normal payment days will remain the same; Tuesdays and Fridays for orders that have been placed & fulfilled up to 3 business days prior.

📚 Don’t Forget the Help Hub!

For quick answers, be sure to check out the Help Hub—it’s packed with tips and resources to guide you​. Remember to simplify your search to find things. Eg for Holiday mode search holiday.

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