Scam alert

We want to alert you to a recent scam targeting our Madeit community. Scammers are creating fake accounts on Madeit and sending messages to artists, asking them to 'verify' their accounts by clicking a link.

Please be aware:

Madeit will never use the customer messaging system to contact you about account verification or anything to do with your Madeit account. These messages appear to be from a customer, but if they are requesting account verification they are not legitimate.

DO NOT CLICK on any 'Complete Verification' links in messages or emails. 

What we are doing

We are working hard on a solution to stop these messages coming through but as they have been able to pass through secure hcaptcha, it requires new systems to stop them.

In the meantime >>> please DO NOT CLICK on these emails or provide any details, they are not from Madeit.

Thank you for being part of our amazing community and helping us keep it safe for everyone!

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