
In this help doc, we'll cover everything that you need to make getting orders out to customers simple!

Order notifications

How to fulfil an order

Refund an order

Order Notifications

You will receive 2 email notifications upon a customer completing a purchase from your store;

  • Payment captured
  • You've received an order

How to fulfil an order

Make sure that you login to your seller account to fulfil the order products as swiftly as possible 🌟

Login to your Seller account/maker dashboard

Go to Orders and My Orders

A list will populate of all orders. Unfulfilled will show with a red tag under Fulfillment Status

Unfulfilled - needs your action to fulfill

Fulfilled - order completed

Click the 3 dots under Action and select View

A seller can raise a query with the buyer through the order view

Optional - print customer invoice and packaging slip invoice

On the order view screen go to the Additional Order Details panel and select Action.

There is 2 available invoices to generate and print if required.

Seller earning for the order

The Seller Earning panel will outline the order total, transaction fees and the total order earning to the maker

To Fulfill the order - that is to complete the order include the shipping details select Proceed to Fulfill the order in the top left panel (where the Raise query option is available)

Confirm the quantity to Fulfill and select Fulfill now

A box pops up which you enter all information related to the fulfillment of order eg shipping details.

Select - Fulfillment method - Standard shipping or other

Tracking number, shipping method and tracking URL are all optional but highly recommended as the buyer will receive a notification with this information once you confirm fulfillment.

  • Shipping Method - best practice is to enter the method to ensure the system can recognise how the item is being shipped.

Help! I get an error when trying to fulfil an order

The Order panel will now show Fulfilled and an additional section is now available where you have further options in relation to the order. Select Actions and a drop down list is available to choose from.

  • Print Shipping label
  • Edit tracking
  • Enter Delivery Details
  • Print customer invoice
  • Packaging slip invoice

Customer email confirmation of order fulfillment

The customer receives an email as confirmation the order has been fulfilled and posted with tracking details if relevant.

Refund an order

To refund an order, please email support@madeit.com.au we will need the following information;

    • Order number
    • Item or items to be refunded
    • Amount to be refunded
    • Reason for refund

NOTE: Partial refunds are not possible.

Customer was not charged correctly for postage.

Please check your shipping set up to avoid this recurrence. You may consider offering the customer an additional product to a similar value of the agreed amount. If the amount to refund is equivalent to $25, $50 or $75 consider offering a Madeit gift card.

I've been paid for the order and need to refund the customer

We can only refund the full order. Should a partial refund be required for product damage please contact support@madeit.com.au to arrange.

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