Artisan Opportunities

Stunning art in progress (above) by Barefoot Watercolours

Updated: 19/3/2025

Welcome Madeit Artisans! This is the space where you can find out about opportunities for you to get more exposure on the Madeit platform. This is updated ongoing.

For all technology updates and work in development please see here.

Please contact for any specific concerns ⭐️


1-1 youtube sessions ✨

These sessions have been nabbed like hot cakes!! More session times will be released this week, stay posted!! In the meantime, watch the first session with Marcelena from Illustrations By Herman.

19/3/25 UPDATE: fully booked. New dates coming this week.

Unboxing Videos

Are you keen to have one of your products featured in unboxing videos or in promotional giveaways? Keep an eye out in the FB Group to see when these dates open!!

Announced in the private FB Group.


We will be updating this very shortly! Applications will be opening soon to be featured in the weekly feature artisan spot. This will include;

  • Thursday night email
  • Blog feature
  • Sunday night Insta/FB feature

Please email us if you would like to be featured!!

Here are the requirements;

  • You must have been selling on Madeit for a minimum of 3 months
  • Your Madeit store is linked in your instagram profile
  • High quality images
  • A great profile pic!

Come Shopping With Me

This weekly segment selects 5 creations from the Madeit platform. This video will be shared in the weekly emails going out to our database (20k+) and also featured on our home page. The video will be shared in 3 key spots;

Make sure you watch these segments, you may be featured!!

Make sure you comment in each location to introduce yourself as one of the featured creators.

In the FB group - add your product link.

SHARE the video on your social channels, you made the top 5 in the category!!

Tag us or Collaborate on Instagram!!

We want to share your content! There are many ways you can do this;
  • Tag us in your behind the scene stories with @madeit
  • Tag us in your posts @madeit so we can share in our stories
  • Send us a collaborator link in your great quality reels (@madeit)

Please note that as always it is very much about the great quality content. We love sharing your high quality images & videos. If we don't accept a collaborator link it may be because we have had a flood of requests.

Tag us @madeit

Send a collaborator invite for your great quality videos by adding @madeit

Thank you for coming on this phenomenal journey. This is just the beginning ⭐️

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