Are you ready to go live?

We have put together this super easy list that you can check to make sure you are good to go!

  1. Shipping
  2. Store description
  3. Product Titles
  4. Product Descriptions
  5. Images
  6. Categories
  7. Check on desktop & mobile

Shipping 📦

Is your shipping set up ready to go?

We've created a self-check document for you to ensure your shipping is all set up so that when your customers hit add to cart the correct shipping will be allocated.

Is my Shipping set up correctly

Store description ☀️

Have you added your Store Description? This is where you can give your customers a brief overview of who you are, what you do and what you offer to your customer.

There is important information to consider for your store description.

Read more here.

Your Store Description

Product titles

How do your product read on the storefront view? Have you got too little or too much information? or have you got the goldilocks touch of just the right amount 🌟

Are you also within the guidelines?

Refer to the Product Title requirements

Product descriptions

Always check how your product description shows to the customer. Again, apply the goldilocks touch of just the right amount of information.

We've provided a guideline to ensure your product descriptions meet the Madeit Quality Benchmarks

Product Description Requirements

Images 📸

Are your images light & bright? 🌟

Do they showcase your product beautifully both on desktop and mobile view?

Is your main image complying with the guidelines and attracting your customers in?

Are you taking advantage of the available 10 images per listing?

Have you linked your images to your variations

Imagery & logo

Multiple product variants and your images

Categories 🗂

Are your products allocated to the correct categories?

Check your product listings in your dashboard area.

🌟 Try out the amazing search functionality on the main storefront. While you're doing this we're so sure you'll discover so many new makers and their handmade artisan creations.

Check on desktop & mobile 📱

Remember your store and products will look a little different on desktop and mobile so make sure you take the time to look on both.

Have you checked what your store and products look like on a mobile?

We highly recommend you do this as many of our customers will come to us via a mobile device.

If you've 'Madeit' this far you are good to go!!!! ⭐️

Still need help? Contact Us Contact Us