General Updates Ongoing

Whimsical Clay Creation above by Funkydory

Updated: 1/5/2024

Welcome Madeit Artists & Crafters! This is the General Updates live document. Updates will stay on this document for one month and will then be removed with all help docs being updated accordingly.

For all technology updates and work in development please see here.

We have moved all artist opportunities to get featured to here.

Please contact for any specific concerns ⭐️



The Magical May Giveaway

We are super excited to kick off our Magical May Giveaway this month to attract new customers to the platform. The Giveaway includes creations from 8 of our artists and has a total prize value of over $650!!!

Make sure you share with your following so we can get them receiving our weekly emails and we can expand our collective reach.

Custom Options

We are so excited to confirm that this is now available for you to use!! You may wish to use Custom Options to create those add-ons or extras that you would like to offer your customers on top of their purchase or for those purchases that require the customer to provide further information.

Think personalised card, gift wrapping, custom colours, personalisation such as names and more.

Here is a helpful doc to get setup.

Catch up on the LIVE Tuesday Tips with Bec below.

Wednesday Wonders

We have switched to pre-recorded Wednesday Wonder (WW) features which means we can share on; FB, Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube & the artist blog

The reach of our first WW has been 1.5x distribution with the awesome shaing of content.

Tuesday Email

What a hit!! Our first Tuesday email and we had over 6500 opens!! This is phenomenal for an added in email. We will shift the send time to 6pm next week to test the sending time.

This is a blog & artist specific email.

Want to get featured? See more details here.

Product imagery requirements

It is our mission here at Madeit to elevate, energise and activate the value of handmade creations. As part of this mission it is mandatory that all products listed on the platform have high quality imagery. Madeit requires that all imagery on the website must adhere to the following image requirements.

Any products that do not meet these standards will be disabled. Once updated you can request admin to approve the reviewed listing.

Please see the Madeit Image Requirements.

Thank you for coming on this phenomenal journey. This is just the beginning ⭐️

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